In Zakynthos, the University of Patras, in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Energy and Technology (INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY), define and delineate the Ground Water Bodies (GWB) on Zakynthos Island, which show phenomena of extensive or localized salinization, and implement specific measures of the River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) of the water district of the Northern Peloponnese.
Delineation of saline groundwater in Zakynthos Island. Exploratory monitoring and potential for artificial recharge to address the ZANTE-SAL phenomenon
- University of Patras, Department of Geology
- Norwegian Institute for Energy and Technology (INSTITUTE FOR ENERGY
- Mapping the salinization front and zones
- Understanding of the processes leading to salinization and diagnosis of its evolution
- Demarcation of salinization zones
- Formulation of proposals for the protection and/or redeployment of Ground Water Bodies (GWB)
- Artificial recharge tests investigation
- Optimisation of the management of Ground Water Bodies (GWB) in terms of water quality and quantity
- Better control and enforcement measures for projects and activities that will be assessed as contributing to the degradation of Ground Water Bodies (GWB)
- Designing and launching measures that will contribute positively to improving water quality and quantity in the Ground Water Bodies (GWB)
- Development of bilateral relations between institutions of the donor countries and Greece for the exchange and transfer of knowledge and experience and for the strengthening of networking and future cooperation between them
FUNDINGThis project benefits from a 200.000€ funding from the EEA Grants (funding period 2014-2021), which represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive, and inclusive Europe and national funding..