Annual Meetings

Annual Meetings

In accordance with article 2.3 of the Regulation for the implementation of the EEA FM 2009-2014 and Article 5 of the management and monitoring system (p.n. 12104/EYD&PLAP 275 28/3/2014) issued by the Ministers of Finance, Development and Competiveness (GG 781/Β/28.03.2014), an annual meeting is organized between FMC and the National Focal Point. The annual meeting allow FMC and the National Focal Point to examine  the progress achieved over the previous reporting period and to angry  on necessary measures to be taken. The meeting brings together representatives of the Audit Authority, Certifying Authority, Monitoring Committee, Program Operators and the representatives of the Donor States Embassies and the Beneficiary State.

Annual Meeting 2014

Presentation of the Program Operator GR02: “Integrated Marine and
Inland Water Management” (.PDF)

Annual Meeting 2015 – Athens,  04 November  2015

Presentation of the Program Operator GR02: “Integrated Marine and
Inland Water Management” (.PDF)

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